A first glance at IDS Scheer's ARIS Business Architect - Oracle Business Process Architect
These days I am attending a training on ARIS' tools, with Oracle colleaques from all around US, tought by IDS and Oracle together. A while ago Oracle oem'ed ARIS tools for its upcoming Business Process Analysis (BPA) Suite, as mentioned in this press release.
This training should be a great opportunity to expand my knowledge on business driven process design. Especially visualization of processes and ownerships seems very important, when evangelizing on the human factor, and impacts from SOA projects on organizations - one of my key interests.
The end of the whole story can be a business process, created by the business, that is transformed into BPEL, and refined by a member of the IT department to get executed.
Aside BPA is one key piece when talking about round trip methodologies, namely Business Process Management (BPM), covering the whole cycle from analysis, through design, simulation, to production and refining, a never ending loop of seeking for business performance excellence.
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